The rationale to set up Centre for Borneo Regionalism and Conservation (BORC) is due to the existence of heritage buildings, structures and monuments in Borneo that need to be documented and conserved. There are around 70 buildings gazetted by Museum Department of Sarawak, [Jabatan Muzium Sarawak (JMS)] under the Sarawak Cultural Heritage Ordinance 1993. Many more buildings are planned to be gazetted by JMS. There are also numerous undocumented buildings, structures and monuments in Brunei, Sabah and Kalimantan, Indonesia.
The centre is unique due to the application of science and technology in conservation. This is also in line with UCTS’ mission and vision in upholding science and technology as the forefront of teaching, learning, research and innovation.
- To provide technical and scientific knowledge for conservation in Borneo
- To undertake research and promote innovation in conservation
- To collaborate with the neighbouring state, Sabah and countries of Brunei and Kalimantan, Indonesia
- To provide consultancy services, expertise and human capital requirements to facilitate conservation practice in Borneo based on science and technology
» Download
• BORC presentation slides
• BORC brochure
» MoU/MoA Signing Ceremony with Other Institutions
• Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Indonesia
• MAEK Consulting Pte Ltd (Singapore)
» News
• LAKIS lantik UCTS jadi perunding Projek Pemulihan Masjid Al-Qadim